Hat’s off to you, Jesus!

The clergy of my Patrimony wear very many interesting liturgical vestments. One of those vestments is the biretta. The origin for this distinctive clergy headgear is uncertain, and many Catholics have probably never even seen one. We in the Ordinariate, though, wear it with great honor and duty. It has been said that one wears a biretta just to take it off! While there are many particular norms and instructions for the proper wear of the biretta, essentially, one wears the biretta to remove it when approaching the altar, when praying for the people, and at the mention of the Holy Name of Jesus. The intentional and obvious removal of the biretta at those occasions helps to cultivate a deep and abiding awareness and respect for the Name of our Salvation. To don this odd, little hat, and remove it at specific liturgical events is helpful to protect us from becoming too complacent when in the presence of our Savior. Wearing (and removing) such distinctive liturgical vestments intends to distract us from the individuality of the man, and redirect us to the glory of God. It is, to my way of thinking, a beautiful act of humility and reverence. My hat’s off to you, Jesus!

The Rev. Timothy Watts

Fr. Tim Watts is the Parochial Administrator and Priest for St. Margaret of Scotland.


For everything there is a season…